RGBA and HEXA are two different color formats used in digital media.
RGBA stands for Red, Green, Blue, and Alpha. It is a color model that uses a combination of these four channels to create a wide range of colors. The Red, Green, and Blue channels determine the color, while the Alpha channel determines the opacity or transparency of the color. The values for each channel range from 0 to 255, with 0 being the absence of color and 255 being the maximum intensity of that color.
HEXA, on the other hand, stands for hexadecimal. It is a color format that uses a combination of six hexadecimal digits to represent a color. The first two digits represent the amount of red, the second two digits represent the amount of green, and the last two digits represent the amount of blue. Each digit can range from 0 to F, with 0 being the absence of color and F being the maximum intensity of that color.
To convert RGBA to HEXA, the values for each channel need to be converted from decimal to hexadecimal. For example, an RGBA color of (255, 128, 0, 1) would convert to a HEXA color of #ff8000ff. The last two digits in HEXA represent the alpha channel, and they are also converted to hexadecimal. In this case, the alpha value of 1 (which represents full opacity) is converted to FF in hexadecimal.